How Your Donation Helps

Your Donations

All funds are collected in the UK and distributed to where they’re needed most. The Akhirah Team supports a variety of local, national, and international projects, from providing hot meals and essential support to homeless people in the UK to delivering emergency aid, clean water, food, clothing, and shelter to communities in crisis around the world.

At The Akhirah Team, we understand the responsibility of Amanah and the accountability it entails. We are committed to full transparency and strive to keep you informed from the moment you donate until the completion of the project you’ve supported.

When donating via our website or bank transfer, please specify the project or cause you’d like your donation to support. We treat these as restricted funds, ensuring they’re directed as intended. If no specific project is mentioned, our trustees may allocate those funds to any project at their discretion.

If the funds collected for a particular project are insufficient to meet its needs, the trustees may supplement it with general funds to ensure its completion. Should the need for a project no longer exist or be fulfilled, trustees will determine the donors’ likely intent and redirect any surplus funds to a similar cause.

We also allocate donations according to specific Islamic categories, including Fidya, Kaffarah, Zakat, Sadaqah, Lillah, Qurbani and Aqeeqah. The trustees decide where these funds are directed, based on the most pressing needs in various countries.

In the best interests of beneficiaries, the charity assesses the community’s needs and, with their consent provides essential aid, such as food, shelter, emergency relief, and clothing, according to their specific circumstances.

Gift Aid

When we collect Gift Aid from UK taxpayers, these funds are prioritised to cover administration costs. Any Gift Aid collected that exceeds our administration needs is directed into our general fund to support humanitarian relief.

100% Donation Policy

The Akhirah Team follows a 100% donation policy, ensuring that every contribution, including Zakat, Sadaqah, and Lillah, goes directly to those in need.

The Akhirah Team maintains a separate account for administration funds to uphold the 100% Donation policy. All donations will be used for the project specified.

Tax reclaimed on donations through the UK government’s Gift Aid scheme (where applicable), allowing UK taxpayers to increase their donation’s impact by 25%. This additional funding is allocated to the charity’s administration fund.

Zakat Policy

Our policies and procedures are designed to ensure that all Zakat donations are distributed in full compliance with Shariah law. To achieve this, the charity works closely with Ulema to guarantee Zakat is managed and allocated properly.

The Akhirah Team distributes Zakat as cash where feasible, in conflict zones and remote areas where currency holds limited value or access to goods is restricted, alternative forms of assistance are provided.

With the beneficiaries’ consent, the charity carefully evaluates needs and provides essential resources such as food, shelter, emergency relief, and clothing to support them in the most effective way.